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Free with every Domain
Anycast DNS Servers
Anycast DNS Servers
Manage your DNS zones in our admin panel. Anycast DNS servers reduce latency, improve uptime, and protect against DNS flood DDoS attacks.
Email Forwarding
Email Forwarding
Enable this feature to forward the received email messages to an existing email account of your choice.
Web Redirection
Web Redirection
You can redirect your domain to any website you want. Select between a move permanently redirection or a frame forwarding.
General FAQs
What is a domain name?

A domain name is a unique address that represents a location on the internet. It is used to identify and locate websites.

How do I register a domain name with Nominus?

Securing your domain is simple:

  1. Domain Search: Conduct a search for your desired domain to explore available options.

  2. Account Access: Returning users sign in; new users create an account for secure transactions.

  3. Owner Information: Select or enter owner information to establish ownership and control over the new domain.

  4. DNS Server Selection: Choose DNS servers for your domain. We offer free Anycast DNS servers if needed.

  5. Payment: Proceed to payment gateway, review order, enter payment details, and finalize domain acquisition using Credit Card, Paypal, or Bank Deposit.

Follow these steps for successful domain registration.

Can I transfer my existing domain to Nominus?

Absolutely! At Nominus, we provide a streamlined and hassle-free service for domain transfers, accommodating all Top-Level Domains (TLDs). Our process is meticulously designed to be simple and efficient, ensuring minimal disruptions or delays while transferring your existing domain to our platform. To initiate the transfer process, simply visit our domain transfers page and follow the outlined steps for a smooth transition.

What is the difference between gTLDs and ccTLDs?

Generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs) are general, widely-used domain extensions like .com, .net, or .org that are not tied to any specific country or territory. On the other hand, Country Code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs) are uniquely assigned to individual countries or territories, such as .uk for the United Kingdom or .ca for Canada. These ccTLDs help signify the geographic location or target audience of a website.

Can I redirect web traffic from one domain to another?

Certainly! We offer web traffic redirection from one domain to another at no additional cost. You have access to two types of domain redirection options:

  • Move Permanently (Redirect 301): This option redirects visitors to a different site while displaying the destination address. It's beneficial for maintaining your site's search engine rankings during the transition.

  • Frame Forwarding: With this option, visitors are redirected without being shown the destination address, keeping the redirection process transparent to the user.

Can I create email forwarding for my new domain?

Absolutely! We offer complimentary email forwarding for your new domain. This feature allows you to seamlessly redirect incoming emails to an existing email account of your preference, ensuring you don’t miss critical communications. For each domain, you have the capability to establish up to 5 email forwardings, all at no extra expense.

Do you provide DNS servers?

Yes, we do. A functional domain requires association with at least two DNS servers. If you lack these, we offer them at no extra cost. Our Anycast DNS servers allow you to set up email forwarding, establish web redirection, and manage DNS records efficiently, simplifying your domain's online setup and maintenance.

How long does it take for a domain to be registered?

The registration time for a domain varies depending on its extension. While most domain extensions are registered within minutes, others might require more time due to processing delays at the official registry. For domain extensions that necessitate over 24 hours for registration, pertinent information can be found under the "Registration Requirements" link associated with the specific domain extension.

When can I start using my domain name?

You can begin using your domain name immediately once it is listed as 'Registered' in your account. If the status is 'In Process', please wait until you receive a notification email confirming the registration before initiating any modifications or usage.

Do you offer automatic domain renewal?

Certainly! We provide automatic domain renewal as a default feature for all registered domain names. This ensures your domain is renewed prior to its expiration date without any manual intervention required on your part. Should you wish to opt-out of this feature, simply navigate to “My Domains > Active Domains > [Your Domain] > Settings” and disable the auto-renewal option. Additionally, we’ll send you a reminder notification before the auto-renewal process is initiated, providing you with the opportunity to make changes to the renewal settings if desired.

What payment options do I have?

At Nominus.com, we accommodate various payment methods for your convenience:

  • Credit Cards: We accept major credit cards including VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, and Cirrus.

  • PayPal: For those who prefer a secure and fast online payment method, PayPal is also accepted.

  • Bank Deposits: You can also opt for direct bank deposits as a viable payment alternative.


.BEER Domain FAQs
What are the requirements for registering a .beer domain?

There are no requirements for registering a .beer domain

What is the minimum registration term allowed?

The minimum registration term is 1 year.

Do you offer Trustee for this extension?

For this extension Trustee service is not needed.

Is there an official whois server for this extension?

Yes, it is whois.nic.beer

Does .beer support IDN characters?

Yes, it supports IDN characters. It supports: Chinese, French, German, Spanish.

What are the minimum and maximum length of characters?

The minimum is 3 and the maximum is 63

What characters .beer extension supports?

It is possible to register the letters a to z, á, é, í, ó, ú, ñ, à, è, ù, â, ê, î, ô, û, ç, ë, ï, ü, ä, ö, ß, the numbers 0 to 9, Chinese characters, and  “-“.

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