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Why Choose a .BR Domain for Your Business in Brazil? 

Like all other countries, Brazil was affected by the pandemic, and however, its economy has rebounded to a pre-pandemic level. The OECD expects its GDP growth to reach 3.7% this year, while the country's Minister of Economy projects an even higher growth of 5%.

With household consumption and investment increasing progressively, these projections are highly probable. And with a booming economy, Brazil offers vast opportunities for entrepreneurs, start-ups, and investors.

If you're looking to start a business venture in Brazil, a website with a .br domain can help you establish your business and grow your market base faster.

1. What is a .BR Domain?

.br is the country-code top-level domain of Brazil. Its registry and operation are managed by the Brazilian Network Information Center (BNIC). The use of this ccTLD is granted only to legal entities in Brazil. Citizens, residents, businesses, or organizations must abide by strict guidelines for all domain registrants.

Other possible .br extensions are the following:

  • .blog.br

  • .com.br

  • .eco.br

  • .net.br

  • .org.br

  • .tv.br

2. When did .BR Domains Come into Being?

The .br domain was created in 1989 and has since become one of the world's most prominent ccTLDs, ranking eighth among the top ten most popular ccTLDs. 

The country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Brazil is .br. To register a .br domain, you must be a Brazilian citizen or have an established presence in the nation.

3. Why Register a .BR Domain?

3.1 A .BR domain establishes your credibility

The use of this domain extension is granted only to individuals, companies, and other entities that are legally operating in Brazil. So, having this extension shows the legality of your business and helps build your credibility in the country.

3.2 Your trademark and business name remain exclusive

The Brazilian government implements strict guidelines in the registration of any .br domain name. Competitors trying to steal or use your trademark or brand name will find it nearly impossible to do so if you have already registered it as a website with a .br. This ensures that your name and trademark are used exclusively by your business.

3.3 You can strengthen your local presence

A domain name with a .br is easily recognizable in Brazil. Local consumers will instantly see that your business is based in the country and can cater to their needs faster. It also helps in brand promotion and in building a strong local market base.

3.4 It helps with SEO

Search engines in Brazil give priority to local websites. Adding that .br means you'll be among those pulled by search engines when a query is made. So, online shoppers in the country can easily find your online store or business site.

3.5 Social media marketing

In terms of SEO and marketing, social media is quite crucial in Brazil. If you want to access Brazilian people on social media, then having a company with a .br domain is a must. Because your website is based in Brazil, people will be more likely to read and engage with your content and buy products from you (if you offer this).

4. What are the Requirements for Registering a .BR?

4.1 Legal presence in Brazil

To register a domain with a .br extension, you must be a resident, citizen, or legal entity based in Brazil. You must also have a valid local postal address and a two-letter state code.

4.2 Brazilian tax identification number

You must also have a Brazilian tax identification number. If you are an individual, you need to provide your tax ID or the Cadastro de Pessoa Fisica (CPF). If you are an organization, you need a business ID or the CadastroNacional de Pessoa Juridica (CNPJ). The BNIC verifies tax identification numbers with the Federal Revenue Service before they can be used for domain registration.

4.3 Local representation

Foreign individuals or businesses who wish to register .br domains must have a local representative. They can appoint a local attorney or company (Nominus.com) who can register them with the .br registry according to the specific procedures for registration of foreigners.

5. How to Register a .BR Domain?

If you are a Brazilian resident, you can register your domain directly with registro.br. If you are not a Brazilian resident, you can register with Nominus.com

5.1 Open an account with registro.br

The domain registration is processed through the Registro platform and requires a user code. You need to register in the system and provide your personal information. Complete the request form and submit it. If the form was filled out properly, an access link will be sent to the email address you provided.

5.2 Check the availability of your intended domain name

Once logged into the Registro.br system, look for the Search Domain widget on the home screen. Key in your desired name to check if it is still available. If it is not, key in your second option or choose from the alternative names suggested. Keep in mind that your domain name must have 3 to 26 characters using letters and numbers. Hyphens may be used between other characters but not at the start and end of the domain name. No special characters are allowed.

5.3 Register your domain name

If your desired domain name is available, click Register and follow the steps indicated. You will be asked to provide information, including your CPF or CNPJ, the personal data of the account administrator, and your own personal information. Once you have provided all the required data, confirm your agreement to the terms of use and click Register. You can choose a registration term from 1 to 10 years. As long as you abide by the guidelines, you can renew your domain for another 1 to 10 years.

6. Can non-Brazilian Companies Register .BR Domains?

Yes, but they must have what is referred to as "local presence." this implies that the entity must have a physical location, a phone number, and a point of contact in brazil. A legal firm, a business consultant, or any other sort of organisation that provides such services might provide a local presence.

7. What is the Name of the Official Register Administrator for Domains in Brazil?

registro.br is Brazil's official registry administrator for domain names under the .br ccTLD. All .br domain registrations must be handled by registro.br or one of their accredited registrars. However, the registro.br website is not in English, but if you want to register a .br domain, you must do it through registro.br or one of their authorised registrars. 

8. What are NIC.BR and CGI.BR?

Registro.br is owned by NIC.br, which is in charge of maintaining and regulating internet domains in Brazil, while CGI.br is an institute that encourages the use of the internet in Brazil.

9. Are There any Limitations on Registering a .BR Domain?

Yes. Who can register a .br domain is subject to limitations imposed by the registration administrator, registro.br. As previously stated, domains that are registered must have a local presence in Brazil. Domains cannot be used for illicit purposes and must be registered with a trustworthy registrar.

When registering with registro.br, domain names must follow certain guidelines:

Domain names must be made up of letters from A to Z,  digits from 0 to 9,  or letters with accents. A hyphen cannot be used to begin or finish a domain name. They are limited to a maximum of 26 characters. They cannot be made up entirely of numbers.

10. Is it Easier to get a .BR Domain if you Live in Brazil?

Not necessarily all finding a Registrar that offers .br domain may be easier. In reality, as previously said, acquiring a domain name in Brazil is not difficult as long as you have an established local presence. 

11. Is it Possible to Renew my .BR Domain?

Yes, your .br domain can be renewed through your registrar. Typically, the procedure is simple. If you no longer live in Brazil when you need to renew, you may need to submit the proof of your local presence, such as a Brazilian company presence, to your registrar. 

12. .BR vs .COM.BR, Which is Better?

The .br extension is not possible to register, note that .com.br domain is the most popular in Brazil, although it is not always the best option. When it comes to registering a .br domain, you have several alternatives, including .com.br, .net.br, and .org.br. Businesses normally use the .com.br domain, while the .net.br and .org.br domains are often used by organizations.

13. What Second-Level .BR Domains are Permitted?

The component of the domain name that follows after the .br is known as the second-level domain. In Brazil, numerous second-level domains are permitted and here are four examples of popular ones: .com.br, .net.br, .org.br, and .gov.br. These second-level .br domains are often more generic, however, there are also more individual ones that are permitted, such as .blog.br.

14. Who Benefits from .BR Registration?

The .br registry, NIC.br, is a not-for-profit organization that's supported by the Brazilian government, so they do not necessarily benefit from it.

15. What's the Registration Cost for .BR Domains?

For .br domains, there is no predetermined charge. Your chosen registrant will charge you their own fee, however registro.br costs roughly around R$ 40 (Brazilian Real) per year.

16. How Long can I Register a .BR domain for?

.br domains, like most others, can be registered for a minimum of one year and a maximum of ten years in some cases.