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Computer and Internet Safety for the Whole Family


With the evolution of technology, you have more information than ever at your fingertips. These devices aren't going away anytime soon. The Internet is best used when enriching our lives, but it can also cause harm, which is why there has never been a better time to talk to the whole family about how to stay safe online.
Online Security

  • Cybersecurity - Cyber-attacks are malicious and could attempt to access or damage your computer or network. This is why having a good understanding of cybersecurity can go a long way.

  • Digital Safety - It's important to protect yourself and your family when you're using the computer and surfing the web. Learn about your cybersecurity options.

  • Online Security Tips (PDF) - Follow these helpful tips to reduce the risk of financial loss or computer and network issues.

  • Keeping Children Safe Online - Children are uniquely at risk when surfing the Web, so even normal safeguards may not be enough. A few simple steps can help dramatically decrease the stress of threats.

  • How To Protect Your Privacy Online - Using the Internet leaves a trail that people can track, this page has some information to help you understand what to do about it.

  • Online Security - You use online security constantly, even if you don't think you do. Learn about the different types of online security available and the digital footprint you leave behind.

Computer Viruses

  • Computer Virus Fact Sheet (PDF) - This fact sheet gives you a detailed overview of everything you need to know about computer viruses.

  • What is a Computer Virus? - Computer viruses sound scary which is fair because we don't know what effects our computers can get from them. Here are some details about what they are and how they spread.

  • All About Computer Viruses - Learn all about the different types of computer viruses that your computer can get with this helpful support page.

  • Computer Virus Protection - There's a lot of misinformation surrounding computer viruses. You don't have to be an expert to learn about them, a little bit of research can tell you everything you need to know.

  • Avoiding Computer Viruses - Follow these tips to make sure you're avoiding high-risk activities that could give your computer a virus.

  • How to Tell if Your Computer has a Virus and What to Do About it - If you're not sure if your computer has been working slower because of a virus or if it's just your imagination, these steps can help you determine if there's an issue interfering with your files and performance.

Fraud Prevention Advice

  • Cyber Fraud Detection and Prevention - There's been an uptick in cyber fraud and deception crimes that come in all varieties. Keep an eye out for these scams so you can protect yourself and your loved ones.

  • Fraud Prevention Tips - Protect yourself from technology-based fraud by following these tips and reducing your potential exposure.

  • Fraud Detection and Awareness (PDF) - No matter what type of computer or device you use, if you're online you're putting yourself at risk of fraud. Learn the types of fraud and how to avoid them.

  • Cybersecurity Awareness & Internet Safety Tips (PDF) - Fraud prevention and Internet safety go hand-in-hand so learning about both is important to safe and fun Internet browsing.

  • Fraud Prevention Tips - Following these tips can help you be a smarter online consumer while also helping you avoid fraud while using the computer.



  • How To Stop Cyberbullying - Cyberbullying is bullying through digital technology, it is especially prevalent on social media sites. UNICEF brought together specialists all over the world to talk about how to handle it.

  • Cyberbullying Information - Bullying has, unfortunately, evolved alongside technology. This page can help you learn more about what it is and what kids want parents to know about it.

  • Kids Health: Cyberbullying - This article covers what cyberbullying is, why people do it, and what everybody can do about it in their day-to-day life.

  • 11 Facts About Cyberbullying - These 11 facts can tell you more about what cyberbullying is and how it affects people so you can make positive changes online and offline to stop it.

  • Help Kids Deal with Cyberbullying - Give kids the tools they need through information and strategies to protect themselves from cyberbullying.

  • Cyberbullying - Since more kids than ever before have cell phones and digital devices, cyberbullying has become a growing concern, but parents can help keep online socialization healthy!

  • Cyberbullying Research - One in three teens has been cyberbullied at one point in their life, this article contains plenty of facts and research about the prominence of cyberbullying among kids and teens.


  • What is Spam? - Spam is more than food, it's also unsolicited emails sent to a large number of addresses at once. Learn more about what it is and how to recognize it.
  • Encyclopedia Spam Terms - PCMag's detailed encyclopedia contains an entry about what spam is, why it's done, and spam filtering.
  • Computer Malware and Phishing Schemes - Malware and phishing schemes are common types of spam meant to steal personal or financial information through emails by tricking unsuspecting consumers.
  • What is Spam? - Spam has evolved over the years from a minor annoyance to a huge criminal enterprise. Learn more about its history and what you can do to prevent it from happening to you.
  • Computer Jargon: Spam - Computer Hope's dictionary includes a detailed definition of what spam is.