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Trademark Renewal
In United Kingdom in order to maintain the validity of a trademark registration you must renew it every 10 years. The renewal process is fairly simple, you will need to provide trademark registration details and send us a power of attorney.
Fast and easy Process
Delivery of the official renewal acceptance receipt
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Applications are handled by experienced local Trademark Attorneys to ensure that all legal requirements are met.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Trademark Renewal
Do I need to present periodic statement of use?

No, it is not required to present periodic statements of use.

When should I renew my trademark?

Renewal of trademark must be done every 10 years.

What will be the renewal date of my trademark?

Renew your trademark 10 years from the date you filed your application.

Is there any documentation that should be presented when renewing a trademark?

No. Documentation is not necessary for the renewal of registered trademarks.

If my trademark expires, do I have a grace period?

When your trademark expires, you still have 6 months to renew it.

Will there be problems in case I don’t use my trademark after registration?

Yes. Not using your trademark makes it vulnerable to cancellation or revocation.

What will be the renewal date of my trademark?

Renew your trademark 10 years from the date you filed your application.

Basic Concepts
Should I worry about brand piracy?

When a person or business entity uses your trademark without your consent, they commit fraud. The strength or weakness of your mark's design can significantly reduce the risk of someone forging your mark, using a similar trademark to confuse the public, or potentially claiming infringement of pre-existing rights. Registering your trademark helps you prove your exclusive claim of ownership. The globalization of markets has significantly increased the opportunity for both legitimate profit and illegal theft and increased difficulties in policing and protecting your claim. Properly marking your goods and services with a registered trademark is an important way to protect your business and your good name or brand. 

Brand piracy is a crime because it involves the unauthorized use of your intellectual property, including your trademark, to mislead consumers into buying products or services you did not create or provide. By stealing your protected commercial name and reputation, thieves profit from the sale of counterfeit, inferior or untested goods. They will ruin your business.

Piracy and counterfeiting not only result in the loss of revenue on an international scale but eventually damage your business reputation. A registered trademark is a valuable tool that helps you keep the quality of your brand. It also helps you pursue legal recourse against those who violate accepted commercial practices by breaking national and international laws.

How many years does a trademark registration last?

Typically a trademark is valid for 10 years however the exact timeframe varies country by country.

How can a Cease & Desist Letter help me protect my trademark?

Trademark protection provides you with the right to keep unauthorized individuals or business entities from using your registered mark in the marketplace.  If you discover someone using your mark without your prior consent, you can have our attorneys write a formal Cease & Desist letter. They will mail it to the infringing party to inform them of the trademark infringement and request that the offending party stops using the mark for business purposes.

You need to have a plan to make sure you protect your trademark. Enforced of your property rights is an important part of your business. Safeguarding the integrity and value of your trademark by taking legal action against infringers can be costly. A Cease and Desist letter is a cost-effective way to protect your mark against unauthorized use.

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