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Free with every Domain
Anycast DNS Servers
Anycast DNS Servers
Manage your DNS zones in our admin panel. Anycast DNS servers reduce latency, improve uptime, and protect against DNS flood DDoS attacks.
Email Forwarding
Email Forwarding
Enable this feature to forward the received email messages to an existing email account of your choice.
Web Redirection
Web Redirection
You can redirect your domain to any website you want. Select between a move permanently redirection or a frame forwarding.
News and Articles
Answers to the 15 Most FAQs About Internet Domain Names

A domain name is essential for every business or organization looking to build an online presence. Let's shed some light on what you need to know about domain names and how to register your domain name successfully.

Choosing the Right Domain Name and Why It's Important for Your Business

Having the right domain name is important for businesses. It builds your brand identity and gives you credibility. However, coming up with a unique domain name is often challenging. You have to consider factors like availability, keywords, and trademarks.

Most Recommended Domain Extensions to Use for Your Business

Choosing the right domain extension for your business can help establish your brand identity, increase brand awareness, and accelerate growth. In the following article, you have a summary of the most popular domain extensions used for business. 

AI Domain Name Generator – A Chatbot That Uses ChatGPT

Discover in our article how the Nominus AI Domain Name Generator Chatbot, powered by ChatGPT-4, transforms your search for the perfect domain with unique, brand-aligned suggestions, offering a simplified, tailored approach to establishing your business's online identity. Experience the future of domain registration.

Unlocking the Potential of .MEME Domain Names: Benefits and Use Cases

Discover the .MEME domain: a game-changer for brands in entertainment and humor. Enhancing SEO, brand identity, and global appeal, it's ideal for trendy, viral content. This article offers insights on registration, key dates, and examples of effective .MEME names. Perfect for those seeking a unique online presence.